Indigenous Wedding Celebrations

Wellness Tourism

Buritaca, Santa Marta


Description of the experience

Celebrate your dream wedding on a beautiful beach in Santa Marta, with an authentic Kogui indigenous ceremony. This type of weddings are performed by our friends of Gitana del Mar in Buritica, who are experts in planning indigenous weddings, and most importantly, they guarantee that your day will be very special and tailor-made in every detail.

In this paradisiacal environment you can have intimate getaways, petite weddings, even ceremonies with indigenous spiritual leaders and celebrations large or small to make your dream come true. They personalize every detail so that your wedding reflects your wishes and indigenous traditions in a unique setting overlooking the Caribbean Sea and under the stars.

How to get there

By private car from Santa Marta: The most common route is to leave Santa Marta eastward along the Troncal del Caribe. Buritaca is approximately 50 km from Santa Marta, which normally takes about an hour by car.

By bus from the Santa Marta market: You can take a bus going to Palomino and ask the driver to drop you off at the entrance to Buritaca. From there, you can take a mototaxi or walk to the Gitana del Mar.

Itinerary of the experience

Wedding guests arrive at the Gitana del Mar, preferably one day before the ceremony. A welcome meeting is held where the organizers present the wedding program, including details of the ceremony and indigenous traditions. This is a time to acclimatize, get to know the place and rest.

On the morning of the wedding, a briefing is given on the customs and traditions that will be observed during the ceremony. The bride, groom and guests can participate in workshops on traditional dress and learning indigenous dances or songs. This preparation helps to immerse oneself in the culture and respect local practices.

The indigenous ceremony usually takes place at sunset. It is led by a local spiritual leader (Mamo Kogui) and may include rituals such as offerings to nature, exchange of symbolic vows, and blessing rituals. Guests are respectful spectators and participate as directed by the spiritual leader.

After the ceremony, a celebration including a banquet with local food is organized. There may be traditional music and dancing. It is a moment of joy and conviviality, where guests can interact with members of the local community and enjoy the hospitality and cultural richness of the place.

The following day, a farewell breakfast is organized. It is an opportunity to reflect on the experience, share impressions and thank the hosts and the community. The bride, groom and guests can participate in a closing activity, such as a walk on the beach or a meditation session.

What is included

  • Kogui indigenous ceremony.
  • Ceremony at Buritaca beach.
  • Kogui indigenous officiant.
  • Natural and simple decoration.
  • Traditional indigenous music.
  • Traditional attire for the bride and groom.
  • Ritual of spirituality.
  • Exchange of personalized votes.
  • Sacred fire ceremony.
  • Special guests from the Kogui community.
  • Reception with local food and drinks.
  • Photography and videography of the event.
  • Event coordination and planning.


Research the local culture: Before the wedding, learn about Kogui indigenous traditions and customs to better understand the ceremony and show respect.

Respect for cultural practices: Indigenous weddings have their own rituals and meanings. It is crucial to respect these aspects and participate in an appropriate manner.

Invitations and accommodations: Make sure your guests know the details of the event and consider helping them with lodging and transportation if they are coming from far away.

Appropriate dress: Ask about the appropriate dress code for an Indian wedding. Traditional or natural dress is often preferred.

Participation in rituals: If you are invited to participate in specific rituals, do so respectfully and seriously. These rituals may include dances, chants or spiritual ceremonies.

Supporting the local community: Consider ways to support the local community, such as buying local handicrafts or using services from local suppliers.

Weather preparedness: Be aware of the tropical climate of the region, wear light clothing and sun protection.

Personal safety: Although Buriticá is generally safe, it is always prudent to take basic safety precautions.

Live the moment: An indigenous wedding is a unique experience. Participate fully and enjoy the opportunity to be part of something so special and different.

What to bring

  • Appropriate clothing
  • Identification document.
  • Hat or cap.
  • Cash.
  • Gifts or offerings.
  • Respect for indigenous culture.
  • Sunscreen.
  • Insect repellent.
  • Camera or smartphone.
  • Respectful and open attitude.

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